How to Save for a Rainy Day Fund?

How to Save for a Rainy Day Fund?

What’s a Rainy Day Fund? Let’s picture a ‘Rainy Day Fund’ as an umbrella in the world of finance. Just like an umbrella shields you from unexpected rain showers, a Rainy Day Fund protects you from unforeseen financial setbacks.  It’s...
Effect of Paying Extra Principal on Mortgage

Effect of Paying Extra Principal on Mortgage

The Basics: What is Morgage and Principal on a Mortgage? In this post, you’ll find out that what is the effect of paying extra principal on mortgage. A Mortgage is like a special kind of loan you get to buy a house. It’s like borrowing a big chunk of money...
Budgeting Activities for College Students

Budgeting Activities for College Students

Hello, finance enthusiasts! Today, we’re embarking on a journey into the world of budgeting. You’ll learn the budgeting activities for college students. It’s like sailing, but the waves are your expense. Budgeting: The Financial Compass Budgeting is...
How to Overcome a Financial Crisis in Business?

How to Overcome a Financial Crisis in Business?

In a financial business, a crisis is a situation where something unexpected and severe happens that disrupts the normal functioning of the business. It could be a sudden sales drop, a significant expense increase, or a financial crisis in business. Like the wave that...
Why Should We Value Our Time?

Why Should We Value Our Time?

Hello, dear reader! Are you curious about the time value of money and its impact on financial decisions? You’ve come to the right place! In this engaging, informative, and fun blog, we’ll break down the complexities of the time value of money into...